Orders being shipped to Canada are subject to the following shipping and handling fees:
Order Total Fee
$249.99 or less - an $15.00 charge applies
$250.00+ is FREE SHIPPING
Additional shipping & handling charges will apply to the following destinations:
International orders
Destinations outside the regular delivery channels or requiring ferry service
Heavy or oversize items (listed below)
Orders being shipped to the contiguous United States are subject to the following shipping and handling fees:
Order Total Fee
$249.99 or less has a $15.00 charge
$250.00+ is FREE
Non-contiguous States, destinations outside the regular delivery channels, & heavy or oversize items (listed below) will be subject to addtional shipping and handling charges. Please call for details.
Shipping Frequency
We currently ship twice a week - on Tuesday and Thursday.
International orders are charged freight according to the actual cost associated with shipping the order to the foreign destination.
Due to the excessive size and/or weight of these items, we charge the actual freight cost of shipping the item to you.
All Lathes
Dust Hood
All Bed Extensions
10", 12", 16", 20" & 24" Toolrest Bases
Large Swing Outboard Attachment
Tailstock Riser Blocks
Wheel Sets
Premium Motor and Drive Packages
All Laser-Guided Hollowing Systems (complete)
任何Back Rest for the Laser-Guided Hollowing System
Tailstock Swinger
If you have any questions, or are unsure what items are covered in this list, please call us at 1.800.565.7288.